Monday, February 25, 2008


*The ostrich is the longest living bird.

*The egg of an ostrich is 24 times larger than hen's egg. The ostrich's egg is so strong that even if a man sits on the egg, it won't break.

*The body weight of an ostrich can go upto 150 kilograms.

*An ostrich can kill a man by kicking with its legs.

*The chick of ostrich shall be 1 foot tall on birth. Further, it grows 1 foot high for every successive month until it reaches its full height. The growth of ostrich after birth is very fast.

*The ostriches are found only in Africa.

Saturday, February 23, 2008




Cucumber 1/2
pomegranate 1/2
Apple 1/2
Green grapes a few
Raisins a few
Curd 1 litre
Chat masala 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder 1/4 tsp
Sugar a pinch
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves

Cut all the fruits into cubes.Add chat masala, chilli powder, salt, sugar,grapes and raisins. Add curd and mix well.Chill and decorate with coriander leaves and serve.
It can be served with chapathis and rice.

Friday, February 22, 2008


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Saturday, February 16, 2008


The lion is the king of jungles not only in power but also in laziness and sleep.An average lion sleeps around 18 hours in a day.
The lion gives birth to three to six cubs at a time.In the pain of delivery, it sometimes eats even one of its own cub.
Usually the lion does not attack directly.It hides near the bush on the side areas,whether or not other animals are gazing.When the lioness gives signal the lion pounces on a particular animal and kills.
The lion can swim in water freely.While swimming, it hunts fishes and water-borne beings.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Ashop commerce

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Ashop commerce is considered to be the best shopping cart software in the world. It provides you most reliable advise to start your online business.It also accepts credit cards online.You can complete your online shopping within hours with more facilities.
If you want to make shopping,please try this software to get your desires fulfilled. Get ready for your online shopping through Ashop commerce,an award winning shopping cart software. Utilize this opportunity.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


A king wanted to give the most severe punishment to a tortoise for some offence. It was decided to turn him up and down. The clever tortoise said,"That would be fine. I'd like some sun on my stomach."
The king thought, "If the tortoise likes it,how can it be a punishment?" He decided to lash his back. "Good," said the tortoise, "That will make my shell stronger."
Then the king changed his mind and decided to throw him in the water. ",do anything, but don't throw me in the water," cried the tortoise. So,into the water,the tortoise was thrown.
The king was happy that at last he was given the right punishment, and the tortoise was happy that he was back home safely.
Even though it is a story,we are able to understand that we can overcome the difficulties by our presence of mind.


*The fish called "Electric Eel " lives like an electric transformer. It produces electricity which can give severe shock to any other creature coming near the fish.But the electric current of one eel will not affect another eel.

*A river fish living in South American Amazon river releases 600 volt electricity which is sufficient to make a horse lie down in shock.

*The sea horse is the only creature living on water which can swim on standing position keeping its head up and tail down.

*The female sea horse lays its eggs in the mouth of its male counterpart.The male sea horse keeps the eggs in its mouth for more than one month. Even after incubating, the young ones are staying within the mouth of the male for two weeks.During these six weeks,the male sea horse does not eat anything.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The cockroaches are imitating creatures for us. But in China,they are used to cure diabetes, stomach aches, and similar diseases.In Japan,cockroach food is considered to be useful for liver diseases and to strengthen liver.
The cockroaches are fond of food items which have sugar and carbohydrate contents. However they are ready to eat anything- meat, plastic,shoe polish,rayon..... just anything.
The cockroaches are available throughout the world. There are over 1000 species in cockroaches.
Cockroach is the only living being on earth which has not changed its body structure in the past 300 million years.


Monday, February 11, 2008


A man lived with his family.Suddenly, one day he had gone away from his home.He wanted to write a letter to his family.He wrote a letter,but could not find anyone to take the letter to his town.
He was very much disappointed.So he decided to take it himself.When he reached his town,he went to his house and knocked at the door.The door was opened. But the man did not enter the house.He said,"I have not come to see you all,and not to stay with you.I have only come to hand you this letter personally."

Saturday, February 9, 2008


1.The man who has been inside doesn't know it,
The man who has never been inside does know it.

2.Too many to count,
But when totalled up,
they form one whole.
It can jump like a monkey,
But cannot climb up a door.
It gives life and preserves it,
But we both love and hate it.
Although it hails from the sky,
The sky is not its birthplace.
Gracefully and merrily it falls,
Strange! some people fear it.
If we don't take shelter quickly
We'll be shivering with cold.

3.It is there when touched,
but not when glanced sideways.

4.When still a bud,it is a heart;
When ripe, it is like a comb.

5.A bird am I and a male,
On my head I wear a crown
And coins galore adorn my tail.

1.A coffin
4.A banana
5.A peacock

Thursday, February 7, 2008


The honey bee can bite only once.

Honey bee can identify colours.Ultra-Violet is its favourite colour.

The honey bee's dances are really very interesting.A honey bee is said to give signal to other bees in the hive,the direction and distance of the availability of honey by a figure"8" dance.

An average colony of bees is crowded with 50,000 to 70,000 honey bees.

The honey bees ventilate their hives by fanning fresh air in.

Each Queen honey bee mates only once in her life.

Honeybee queens mate in the open air while flying. They never mate in their nests.

To make a tablespoon full of honey,a honey bee has to visit around 2,000 flowers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


*The best of alms is that which the right hand gives,
and the left hand not knows of.

*The most excellent Holy war is that for the
conquest of self.

*Hell is veiled in delights, and heaven in
hardships and miseries.

*All actions are judged by the motives
prompting them.

*The love for the world is the root
of all evils.

*Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods,
but from a contented mind.

*Kindness is a mark of faith,and whoever has not
kindness has not faith.

*Feed the hungry,visit the sick, and
free the captive.

*He who is not thankful to men is not
thankful to God.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008



Capsicums(big) 4
Soy beans 1/2 cup
Mashed potato 1/2 cup
French beans 1/4 cup
Carrot gratings 1/4 cup

Butter 1 tsp
Onion 1/2 cup
Tomato 1
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Salt to taste
(For 4 servings)

Scoop out the seeds from capsicums from the stalk end.Keep the top aside.Soak soya overnight.Cook seperately.Cut vegetables,mix together with seasoning.Mix lemon juice.Stuff this mix inside the capsicums and cover the cut stalk to form a lid.Tie around with thread.Smear butter around.Steam them for 5 minutes.Serve with potato chips.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Acupressure is a science as well as an art.Acupressure is the most ancient and simplest of the various oriental therapies such as acupressure,acupuncture,shiatsu,zone therapy and reflexology which are prevalent today.
Acupressure can be called"acupuncture without needles".In acupuncture, the points are stimulated with needles; in acupressure,the same points are stimulated by pressing them with fingers or thumbs.Pressure can also be given on acupressure points by a pointer or a special device called jimmy.
If pressure is applied properly,acupressure gives benefits similar to those obtained by acupuncture.
Though easy and simple,this is an effective treatment.Anybody can take this treatment by himself in the privacy of his own home.This treatment can be taken as often as needed.This treatment is completely free from side effects.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


A rich man sent his servant to an orchard to buy some apples.

"Buy sweet apples,or none at all,"he instructed his servant.

The owner of the orchard said to the servant,"All my apples are sweet.Try one."

"How am I to know that all of them are sweet if I taste just one? I must try each one I buy."And he took a bite of each apple he was buying.

The master flew into a rage when he saw the apples."Who has bitten into them?" he demanded.

"You asked for sweet apples,Sir.How was I to know unless I tried each one of them?" answered the servant.

Friday, February 1, 2008


The insects are the largest living creatures in the world. It is estimated that there are about 7 lac species of insects in the world.
The flying spider is said to have flown upto 500 kilometers to reach another destintion.Before flying,the flying spider goes to a high place like hill or top of a tree and from there starts flying like a glider plane.
The spider's net is built with very minute architectural details which even engineers admire it.
The spider uses its net as a communication channel.It passes code message through its net from one end to another
Will see you later with another cool topic.


A peasant driving a donkey reached a melon farm.Tired and thirsty,he sat down and rested under the shade of a nearby walnut tree.Enjoying the view of the spreading vines of big watermelons, he looked up and noticed a few walnuts dangling among the very high branches of a monstrously high tree.Bewildered by the work of God,he wondered why small walnuts grew on such an enormous tree, while the big watermelons hung from a flat and flimsy vine.The puzzled peasant was lost in his thoughts when a falling walnut hit his head.He stretched his hands high up towards the sky and said thankfully,"O Almighty God, it was clever of you not to let melons grow on big trees, for I would have been dead by now."