Monday, February 4, 2008


Acupressure is a science as well as an art.Acupressure is the most ancient and simplest of the various oriental therapies such as acupressure,acupuncture,shiatsu,zone therapy and reflexology which are prevalent today.
Acupressure can be called"acupuncture without needles".In acupuncture, the points are stimulated with needles; in acupressure,the same points are stimulated by pressing them with fingers or thumbs.Pressure can also be given on acupressure points by a pointer or a special device called jimmy.
If pressure is applied properly,acupressure gives benefits similar to those obtained by acupuncture.
Though easy and simple,this is an effective treatment.Anybody can take this treatment by himself in the privacy of his own home.This treatment can be taken as often as needed.This treatment is completely free from side effects.

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