Friday, May 2, 2008


Ruskin called books, "King's Treasuries". They are much more than that. They are treasures of Knowledge.The accumulated wisdom of the ages lies condensed and crystallised in a book.And all that can be ours if we have the leisure and the will to pick it up.
Reading a book is not just an idle amusement. It is an experience that renovates.The reader is born again and born afresh.
In reading a book we receive but what we give. Everything depends upon the attitude and the frame of mind in which we approach the book. Books are of many kinds. Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed, some few to be chewed and digested.
The habit of reading books is the best that a person can have and as such it should be cultivated very early in life.
Nowadays, this habit is decreasing.So ,let us all encourage to cultivate this habit.

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