Wednesday, November 14, 2007


1.A clever little craftsman
Who builds houses without bricks,
White walls without windows,
Which after dismantling can all become clothes.

2.What is that which we swallow and live,
but when it swallows us, we die.

3.Big creatures can get in,but
Not! The tiny ones cannot.

4.When it was young(small) it wore a skirt;
When it was old(big) it was naked.

5.There are no milestones,
only twelve villages in single file.
There are two men-one lean, one fat-who go round.
When the lean one reaches twelve,
the fat one completes a mile.

6.What is it that takes dried clothes off and wears wet

1.A silkworm
3.A mosquito net
4.An eggplant(brinjal)
5.A clock
6.A clothesline

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