Thursday, December 6, 2007

DO YOU KNOW?????????????????????

*Super foods go beyond basic nutrition and are proven to fight disease and promote
health.Super foods include salmon, olive oil almonds, wallnuts, green leaf lettuce, whole grain bread,brown rice and beans.

*Three fourth's of the food on our plate should consist of grains, vegetables legumes and fruit,leaving just one-quarter for meat,poultry or fish.

*Saltwater fish are no higher in sodium than freshwater fish because they have an internal regulatory system that keeps the flesh from taking up sodium from the water.

Potatoes are the most filling food. Whole-grain bread is 50 percent more filling than white bread.Orange and apples outscore bananas.Fish is more filling per calorie than lean beef or chicken.Popcorn is twice as filling as a candy bar or peanuts.

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