Sunday, December 16, 2007


Think for yourself and never through others.
Let my faith be wedded to reason, and let it be based on conviction.
The power to think is man's most precious right and his proudest previlege.
Blame not fate for failure caused by our own inadequacy and inefficiency.
Superstition is born of ignorance and fear,and thrives the most when reason is asleep.
When emotions are uncontrolled by intellect, sentiment smothers judgement.
The stars and planets and constellations do not decide fate.
Be not superstitious.Believe not in lucky and unlucky days and numbers.
Life is an incessant inquiry into the how, and why, and when, and where, and what, and who of existence.
Do not forget the debt we owe to the past, yet discern the signs of the age we live in, and be in harmony with it. Let not unthinking and blind traditionalism retard and arrest our progress.

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